Hi! I’m Allie Paige :)

Welcome to my site. I document my journey in music, spirituality and mental health. I hope you find something that inspires you

While Someone Is Laughing

While Someone Is Laughing

While someone is laughing someone else is crying

While someone is falling in love someone else is suffering terrible loss

Life and death and light and dark endlessly confound my finite mind

Day and night I beg to hear the voice of love audibly

But perhaps her silence is much more needed than words

Perhaps silence carries with it honor

Perhaps silence points to presence

Perhaps feeling is much more important than hearing in this moment

For words can only say so much

And somehow when I stop asking for a word, I realize that presence is very loud

The presence of love is all around me, it is everywhere

In the trees, in the birds, in the blue skies

I don’t know where I read it, but it is true, that nature is in homage to us.

Somehow when I sit in nature my pain is overwhelmed by His great attention to detail and His endless creativity. From the ants on the ground, unseen yet marching in line with such great devotion and determination, to the mighty gushing waters to the gentle breeze and the beautiful blue skies with white streaks thrown across them like the painter was just having fun. Flying creatures flapping their wings and a warm bright globe somehow suspended above me keeping me warm.

Rabia once said, “Beauty is my teacher helping me to know He cares for me.”

She also said,

“the cure for me was His Beauty, the remedy - for me was to love.”

And grief followed her much more intimately than it does I.

Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics

I Am Convinced

I Am Convinced